Sunday, January 24, 2016

Wool and snow

Spent much of yesterday knitting while the snow fell (fell?  More like, was pushed).  No point in shoveling during that blowing mess, although we did do some so the sidewalks wouldn't be hip deep today.  Got the cars of the workers cleared off this morning so we can get out tomorrow - drifts were over my knees on the passenger side.  Thank wool for the neighbor with the snow blower - Saint Ray is getting a box of steaks as a thank you for doing the front sidewalk and removing the wall left by the plow.

I now have half of the Hue Shift afghan finished and am on the second block of the third quarter.  Progress!  I have over a foot of cashmere feather and fan scarf done, and did a couple lines of chart 2 of my lace shawl, after inserting another lifeline.  But today is for more prosaic things, like shoveling, and changing litterboxes, and making pasta sauce.

Two things of interest to serious knitters: I found a website for the Knitting Guild Association.  You can join for $25 - $35 depending on whether you want the online or print edition of their magazine, and they offer classes and certification as a Master Hand Knitter.  This got my attention, but who are these people, and how do they get to judge who is a master or not?  But reading the tasks that need to be accomplished to get that certification it looks pretty comprehensive - there are swatches and garments to make and design, questions to research, reports to write.  I think I might do this as a personal challenge. It might take years, but it would force me to learn some things I don't know and improve some things I do know.

Second is a knitting retreat sponsored by WEBS, the yarn store.  If you have money you don't know what to do with and feel like spending a weekend in Amherst taking classes and buying yarn, check it out.  These things always intrigue me, but I haven't succumbed to the urge yet.  I think I have to hoard whatever vacation days I have this year, so probably not this one.

Stay warm and dry!


  1. Hi Lee, its Elsie. Are you getting the Guild's magazine on-line or in print? I was thinking of joining and getting the magazine in print. I'm not much for being on the computer anymore.

    1. Got the online magazine, but I haven't been able to access it yet. I'll let you know if it's worth a look.
