Friday, January 1, 2016

A start

Although saying that January 1 is the beginning of a new year is kind of arbitrary in the grand scheme of things, why not.  It's as good a time as any to declare what you want to change and let other people observe your success or failure.  Obviously I don't want to gain weight, need to spend more time at the gym and off my butt, continue to avoid sugar to control my reflux, but what about the yarn arts?  Don't they need some attention?  Indeed they do, so here are some yarn resolutions for 2016.

I want to learn a new stretchy cast-on well enough to teach it.

I want to learn at least one stretchy bind-off well enough to teach it.  Jenny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off is often mentioned as a good one.

I want to learn to knit using the Magic Loop method instead of DPN's.  Just as an alternative, not all the time.

I want to get more items finished earlier for the Warm and Fuzzy Fundraiser.

I want to only buy yarn for intended projects, and bag up the yarn with its pattern right away, stashing them where they are easy to find.  And I will not whine about the cost of printer ink to print out the patterns.

That should do it.  I already have a good start on the yarn/pattern thing.  I went to the store Knit in Newtown, PA and picked out some yarns based on a list that I actually wrote out and took with me.  I went through my unmade patterns, noted the weight and length of yarn needed, then actually put it in the envelope with the yarn money (yes, there's money set aside just for yarn!), checking off the matched yarn/pattern combos.  Now I'm itching to get to them.

And I have been busy:
This is the cotton summer sweater I worked on during my cruise to Alaska.  Not sure whether I like the fit, so I'm going to throw it into the washing machine and see how it comes out.  I also had an "aha" moment when I started to crochet the edging and remembered that this was a British pattern, so what they call "double crochet" is what we call "single crochet".

Alpaca from Rhinebeck that looked nicer in the skein.  I will probably keep it for myself.  No pattern, just 2 x 2 rib all the way up.

About 19% of the Hue Shift afghan.  Currently working on square 24 of the first 25, and starting to see why you make it in 4 pieces of 25 squares each - it's getting heavy and unwieldy.  Just like the kitty.

Darth needs arms attached, light saber, and cape.  Also finished R2D2.  Not has been no help at all, but he is a pretty boy.

This hat is similar to the Cable Baby hat from last year, but at adult size.  I still have nearly half of this skein, so I need another project.  I can't throw away yarn until I have used up as much of it as possible.

And I started a cowl with a very simple pattern so I have something portable, and I'm working on a lace shawl with some beautiful yarn from Rhinebeck, but that's something I can only do in strong light.  I need to make another Boba Fett to go with Darth and R2, and then on to something else.  But I have thoroughly enjoyed all of this time off since before Christmas.  I have a good job, that give us all this time off.

Got any resolutions?

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