Thursday, May 12, 2016


Today we toured yet another lovely garden, but I was distracted by finding out they had a museum of toys, featuring a big dollhouse (actually several).  Without hesitating I paid the 5 euros to enter and spent a blissful half hour.

I even bought the book so I could have the pictures, only later realizing it would have to be part of the excess weight I'll probably have to pay for tomorrow.  This is at Powerscourt House.

Second stop was Glendalough Monastery, where we didn't have much time, but walked around enough to see stone ruins, a round tower (which is exactly where Rapunzel would hang out), and an old cemetary, along with the usual beautiful Irish scenery and sheep.

Then lunch, where I think there was an audible collective groan when it turned out to be roast beef and mashed potatoes for the third meal in a row (excluding breakfast).  That's when I decided to skip dinner, which was going to be dinner and a show - I don't need another typical Irish meal and step dancing, thank you.

Finally we went to Ballyknocken Farmhouse where we were given a lesson in making scones, and they were gluten-free!  We donned aprons and used our hands to mix the ingredients, then consumed them with butter, ginger-rhubarb jelly, and tea.  Even though we had just finished eating lunch a short time ago.  That's when I definitely decided to skip dinner.  

Now it's time to play luggage tetris, getting as close to but not exceeding 5 kilos as I can in my backpack and crossing my fingers that the rest won't add up to too much excess poundage.

And last night I finished a hat, so I blocked it this morning (needing three changes of water because it leaked dye) and it's drying now.  That's two projects finished.

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