Wednesday, August 19, 2015

No, you can't return it

Knit Picks has some labels for those of us who give our yarn creations to others as gifts.  Check them out:
I have Restless Hands Syndrome - I can't be without a project, and old ones are boring.  I still have a biohazard sock to finish, but I felt compelled to start new things.  Like these bunnies:

The white bunny (inspected by Selena) needs an angora tail that I haven't made yet, but the bunny lovey (ignored by Not) is done.  Eventually a brown bunny with floppy ears will join the white one, but I'm thinking of presenting them separately as items to bid on, to increase the proceeds, rather than having them as a pair.  Evil of me, I know, but it's for a good cause.

I also made a baby hat with bear ears out of some random thick chenille yarn, which is miserable non-stretchy stuff, started another hat, and started a smaller version of a monster I already made.  There's only so long I can work on one thing before needing a break, apparently.  I woke up at 5 am yesterday, feeling like I wasn't going to get my remaining hour and a half of sleep, and had a mental argument with myself over whether this was found time for knitting or whether I should try harder to get back to sleep.  Sleep won.  But I don't have a problem.

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